Professor at INSA Toulouse
Mathématics and Modelling Department

Curriculum vitae

Professional experience
Courses taught recently
Research laboratory
Industrial relations
Scientific meetings organisation
PHD direction

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 Born in Vincennes (Val de Marne), France, November 16, 1955.

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 Professional experience

My professional experience consists in two main periods: a first period during which I was piano tuner (from piano restoring to concert tuning), and then, after undertaking scientific studies, a second period during which I worked in the research field of applied mathematics. Actually, I am starting a third period aiming to combine my two professional experiences in music and science. A few dates in these periods:

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 Courses taught recently
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 Research laboratory

Mathematics for Industry and Physics (MIP), UMR CNRS 5640
Director: Pr. Jean-Michel Roquejoffre

Project: Shape Optimization and control

Director of the project: Pr. Mohamed Masmoudi

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 Industrial relations

An important motivation of my work is issued from requirements of a small company named CADOE, which develops and parameterises codes for Industry (Alcatel Espace, Aérospatiale, Michelin, Thomson, Cedrat, Framasoft, Pechiney, Saab, Vallourec, ...). Many results of my team at MIP laboratory are in the core of the algorithms they use.

Participation to a European program: from 1995 to 1999, I participated to the European project EMCP2 (Electromagnetic Compatibility, Parallelism and Parameterisation), in which the tools of partial differential equations parameterisation developed in my PHD thesis were involved for the computation of the electromagnetic field with respect to frequency and shape parameters. Partners of the project were Fiat, Ericsson Saab Avionics, Aérospatiale, CADOE and MIP laboratory.

Contract with Turbomeca: I was responsible of a contract with TURBOMECA (Bordes), where the aim was to study the liability of turbo reactor blades. This contract ran over three years and was associated to a PHD direction.

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 Scientific meetings organisation

Main organiser
with Michel Pierre of the scientific journey of the research group Optimisation et contrôle actif de formes on the thema "industrial problems in shape optimization and control", ENS Cachan, Rennes, March 27, 1998, 70 participants.

Participation to organisation of the 32d congress on numerical analysis (CANUM’99), Ax-Bonascre, May 17-21, 1999.

Main organiser of the international workshop "Large Linear Systems" which was held at INSA in March 1-2, 2001, 100 participants.

Main organiser of the international workshop "Shape optimization in life sciences and environment" which was held at INSA, mars 2004, 50 participants.

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Director of the Mathematic and Modelling department of INSA from 1999 to 2003: budget decisions, organisation of research and teaching, implementation of the European reform (LMD format) in the INSA curses, definition of the new teaching programs.

Participation to several commissions in INSA and Paul Sabatier University: scientific committee and specialist commission.

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 PHD direction

Name : Frédéric THEVENON

Subject : Application de la méthode des dérivées d’ordre élevé dans la résolution de problèmes linéaires et non linéaires

Beginning : 1995 End : 2000 % supervision : 70%

Name and % of co-direction : BROUDISCOU, 30%

Actual position of the PHD student: Engineer at CADOE (Villeurbanne).

Name : Christine ROQUES

Subject : Conception d'antennes spatiales

Beginning : 1995 End : 1998 % supervision : 50%

Name and % of co-direction : MASMOUDI, 50%

Actual position of the PHD student: Engineer at Numart

Name : Anis ZEGLAOUI

Subject : Approximation de problèmes singuliers par un développement asymptotique

Beginning : 1996 End : 2000 % supervision : 50%

Name and % of co-direction : AUBERT, 50%

Actual position of the PHD student: University Monastir

Name : Stéphane GARREAU

Subject : Application de l'analyse asymptotique topologique en mécanique des structures

Beginning : 1996 End : % supervision : 50%

Name and % of co-direction : MASMOUDI, 50%

Actual position of the PHD student: Engineer at CADOE (Villeurbanne)

Name : Kahina SIDIDRIS

Subject : Application de l'analyse asymptotique topologique en mécanique des fluides

Beginning : 1998 End : 2001 % supervision : 100%

Actual position of the PHD student:

Name : Jérôme MAYNADIER

Subject : optimisation par désaccord de la réponse des composants de turbomachines

Beginning : 1999 End : 2003 % supervision : 100%

Actual position of the PHD student: Engineer

Name : Samuel AMSTUTZ

Subject : quelques aspects mathématiques de l’asymptotique topologique

Beginning : 2000 End : 2003 % supervision : 100%

Actual position of the PHD student: post-doc at ITWM Kaiserslautern

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PH. GUILLAUME, V. LATOCHA, Numerical convergence of a parametrisation method for the resolution of a highly anisotropic two-dimensional elliptic problem, accepted Journal of Scientific Computing.

PH. GUILLAUME, V. LATOCHA, Résolution numérique d'un problème elliptique fortement anisotropique en deux dimensions par une méthode de paramétrisation, Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences (Mathématique), Vol 337 No 6 (2003), 419-424.

PH. GUILLAUME, A. HUARD, C. LE CALVEZ, A block constant approximate inverse for preconditioning large linear systems, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol 24 No 3 (2003), 822-851.

PH. GUILLAUME, K. SIDIDRIS, topological sensitivity and shape optimization for the Stokes equations, accepted in SIAM J. Control Optim.

PH. GUILLAUME, K. SIDIDRIS, the topological asymptotic expansion for the Dirichlet problem, SIAM J. Control Optim., 41 No 4 (2002), 1042-1072.

PH. GUILLAUME, Y. SAAD, M. SOSONKINA, Rational approximation preconditioners for general sparse linear systems, accepted in JCAM.

PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, A. ZEGLAOUI, From compressible to incompressible materials via an asymptotic expansion, Numerische Mathematik 91 (2002), 649-673.

S. GARREAU, PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, The topological asymptotic for PDE systems: the elasticity case, SIAM J. Control Optim., 39 No 6 (2001), 1756-1778.

J. CEA, S. GARREAU, PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, The shape and topological optimizations connection, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 188 (2000), no. 4, 713-726.

PH. GUILLAUME, A. HUARD, Multivariate Pad'e approximation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 121 (2000), 197-219.

PH. GUILLAUME, Nonlinear eigenproblems, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. Vol 20 No 3 (1999), 575-595.

A. BENDALI, PH. GUILLAUME, Non reflecting Boundary Condition for Waveguides, Mathematics of Computation, 68 no. 225 (1999), 123--144.

PH. GUILLAUME, A. HUARD, V. ROBIN, Generalized Multivariate Padé Approximants, J. Approx. Theory, Vol. 95, No. 2 (1998), 203-214.

PH. GUILLAUME, Convergence of the Nested Multivariate Padé Approximants, J. Approx. Theory, Vol. 94, No. 3 (1998), 455-466.

PH. GUILLAUME, Nested Multivariate Padé Approximants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 82 (1997), 149-158.

PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Solution to the time-harmonic Maxwell's equations in a waveguide, use of higher order derivatives for solving the discrete problem, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 34-4 (1997), 1306-1330.

J. D. BELEY, C. BROUDISCOU, PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, F. THEVENON, Application de la Méthode des Dérivées d'Ordre Elevé à l'Optimisation des Structures, REVUE EUROPEENNE DES ELEMENTS FINIS, 5 (1996), 537-567.

PH. GUILLAUME, Intrinsic expression of the derivatives in Optimal Shape Design, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 17 (1996), 93-112.

M. MASMOUDI and PH. GUILLAUME, Sensitivity Computation and Automatic Differentiation, Control and Cybernetics, 25 (1996) No 5, 831-866.

PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Computation of high order derivatives in optimal shape design, Numerishe Mathematik, Vol. 67 No 2 (1994), 231-250, 1994.

PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Calcul numérique des dérivées d'ordre supérieur en conception optimale de formes, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.316 Série I (1993), 1091-1096

PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Dérivées d'ordre supérieur en optimisation de domaines, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.315, Série I (1992), 859-862.

Other Publications

M. MASMOUDI, PH. GUILLAUME and C. BROUDISCOU, Automatic differentiation and shape optimization, J. Herskovitz(ed.), Advances in Structural Optimization, 413-446, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in the Netherlands, 1995.

C. BROUDISCOU, M. MASMOUDI and PH. GUILLAUME, Application of automatic differentiation to Optimal Shape Design, J. Herskovitz(ed.), Advances in Structural Optimization, 413-446, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in the Netherlands, 1995.

Conferences with acts

PH. GUILLAUME, K. SIDIDRIS, The topological Asymptotic for Stokes Equations, ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics 2001 Conference

J. MAYNADIER, M. DIJOUD, PH. GUILLAUME, Réponse forcée : fiabilité de la conception des composants aubages des turbomachines, XVème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nancy, 3 - 7 Septembre 2001.

P. AUBERT, J.D. BELEY, PH. GUILLAUME, A. ZEGLAOUI, An asymptotic expansion for incompressibility, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelone, sept. 2000, Book of abstracts, p. 1012.

F. THEVENON, M. ROCHETTE, PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, M.F. WONG, V. FOUAD HANNA, Paramétrisation en fréquence et en forme pour l'optimisation de structures hyperfréquences modélisées par éléments finis, NUMELEC'97, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Mars 1997, 28-29.

TH. DUSSEUX, PH. GUILLAUME, F. THEVENON , Logiciel de calcul paramétré en forme et en fréquence pour l'optimisation de guides d'ondes. Journées Internationales de Nice sur les Antennes, Novembre 1996, 478-481.

PH. GUILLAUME, Sensitivity computation and automatic differentiation, in "Shape optimal design, theory, applications and software", Varsovie (Pologne), 3-14 Juillet 1995.

TH. DUSSEUX, PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Application de la différentiation automatique à l'optimisation de guides d'ondes, actes des Journées Européennes sur l'Electromagnétisme (JEE'93), Novembre 1993.

PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Computation of higher order derivatives in shape optimal design, STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION 93, actes du congrès de Rio de Janeiro, 1993.

M. MASMOUDI, PH. GUILLAUME, Conception optimale de formes et applications, Colloque en l'honneur de Jean Céa, Ed. Cépadues, 19

Communications in confences

PH. GUILLAUME, A. HUARD, C. LECALVEZ, A Multipole Approach for Preconditioners, congres ICCS 2002, report MIP no 01-52

PH. GUILLAUME,K. SIDIDRIS, Sensibilité topologique pour les équations de Stokes, Canum 2000, p. C77

S. GARREAU, PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, The topological sensitivity for linear isotropic elasticity, European Conference on Computationnal Mechanics 1999

CH. ROQUES, TH. DUSSEUX, PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Recherche des pannes critiques dans l'alimentation d'une antenne reseau, 1998

PH. GUILLAUME, A. BENDALI, Non-reflecting boundary conditions for guided waves, PIERS 98 (13-17 Juillet, Nantes)

PH. GUILLAUME, Nested Multivariate Padé Approximants, congrès ICCAM 96, Leuven, Belgique.

TH. DUSSEUX, PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Application des dérivées d'ordre supérieur à l'optimisation de guides d'ondes, GDR Conception Optimale de Forme, Novembre 1993.

PH. GUILLAUME, M. MASMOUDI, Dérivées d'ordre supérieur, différentiation automatique et conception de formes, congrès IM.ACS, Lille, Juin 1993.

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